Making a Difference - If You See Something, Say Something

First, as a representative from Missoula County Fire Protection Association, our thoughts and prayers go out to the communities of Seeley Lake, Kozy Korner and Ovando for the trying times people are going through with the Rice Ridge Fire. We as an agency realize that we are going to be in this extended fire season for a little bit longer than we thought. Conditions are to remain hot and dry and that only creates more of a possibility of more wildfire ignitions. We as communities CAN make a difference by following the Stage 2 restrictions in place and few common-sense actions.

Don't mow your lawn between 1 p.m. and 1 a.m. or hoot owl. Last month I was at the fire hall visiting Seeley Lake Fire Chief Bob Vanden Huevel. We saw a gentleman not far away mowing his lawn after 1 p.m. Later, I was out by the Snowmass Road and heard a lawn mower running.

People need to realize we put these rules in place for a reason, to try and prevent accidental human-caused fires. One rock hit by a blade and a fire could be off to the races.

Hoot owl restrictions also apply to generators and other internal combustion engines. To put it another way, if you're going to set up a camper for the weekend and you have a generator, you aren't allowed to use them between 1 p.m. and 1 a.m. If you use a generator in the morning before 1 p.m., clear all vegetation or burnable fuels in an area at least three feet in diameter.

Campfires or warming fires ARE NOT ALLOWED. Hunting season is upon us and quite a few folks like to enjoy it in this neck of the woods, please plan accordingly. We suggest an LPG stove (and still clear the area of all burnable fuels and vegetation).

Keep vehicles on designated roads and trails. We have had quite a few fires started by outdoor motorists around the state. Grasses are very dry and will readily burn. People think that if they have a spark arrestor they are good to go and that is not the case. Please don't "try this at home" but it doesn't take long for cured dry grass to ignite from a hot muffler.

If you're an outdoorsman and you have a trailer, PLEASE check to make sure your trailer chains aren't dragging. Fire officials don't want to have to respond to that kind of fire either.

And a final topic specific to the wildfire fighting efforts here. It appears we are starting to have more of a drone issues on a lot of our fires in Western Montana. PLEASE do not fly your drone within the given Temporary Flight Restriction areas or TFR's. They are put in place for a very good reason. I don't think anyone would want to be responsible for flying their drone within the fire TFR and potentially flying into a helicopter's rotor causing the helicopter to fall out of the sky and put their aircrew and ground crews at risk of losing their lives. That would be a worst nightmare for all of us.

With all wildfire risk or activities that place our firefighters in jeopardy: If you see something, please say something!

As we move into September remember to think twice about how a fire can start. Remember Smokey Bear's saying? Only you can prevent forest fires!

If you'd like a home visit this fall or spring to see if your property/home is wildfire/ember resistant, email me at

First ten emails get a fidget spinner! Have a safe Fall!


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