Business People - Stand Up and Be Counted

Potential residential customers outnumber commercial in the Seeley Lake Sewer District nine to one. So for every commercial customer who would pay $104 per month, NINE residents will pay $71 per month. Those are the preliminary cost estimates for monthly sewer service put out last week at the Sewer Board’s show. 

The Sewer District boundaries were drawn back in the 1980s to reflect the lowest per-capita-income possible to better-qualify their project for federal funding. So, stated another way: the lowest income residents in the district are carrying the water for the business people who want to grow their businesses. NOT FAIR, especially in view of the fact we soundly voted the proposal down last December. The Sewer Board and the Missoula County Commissioners are trashing the basic “majority rule” principle, which is a fundamental of democratic government.

This sewer proposal will NOT clean up the area waterways but WILL give local residents further incentive to take their business to Missoula to stretch their shopping dollars. Business people need to stand up and be counted on this issue. They’re strangely quiet...except for the ones on the Sewer Board.


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