Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
A CH 47-D Chinook helicopter from Billings pulls a full bucket from Seeley Lake Aug. 18 as the Rice Ridge Fire blows up in the Swamp Creek Drainage.
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
Friday, Aug. 18 fire activity picked up on the north end and in the Swamp Creek Drainage. It also ran nearly four miles east on the backside of Mount Morrell to the North Fork Cottonwood Drainage and spotted into Dunham Creek.
Mark Melvin count
Firefighters burned out to the top of Mount Morrell around the lookout Saturday, Aug. 19. While many in town were concerned that the lookout burned, it is wrapped (left photo) and crews have water at the top. A headlight can be seen in the burnout photo down and to the left of the lookout silhouette.
Kari Greer/USFS count
Mount Morrell Lookout is wrapped in structure protection material. A pumpkin, orange portable tank, holds water and a hose lay runs along the ridge. Helicopters also painted the ridge top with retardant Thursday, Aug. 16. A firefighter uses a drip torch during strategic firing operations on Mount Morrell. Spotting potential in the winds was too great to continue with the planned burnout.
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
The Rice Ridge Fire, Thursday, Aug. 17
Andi Bourne, Pathfinder count
The DC-10 follows the lead plane (lower right) and drops its first load of retardant following the dozer line from the ridgetop of Mount Morrell Lookout Thursday, Aug. 16. This was in preparation for a burnout however conditions were never favorable to light down the face to connect to Cottonwood Lakes Road.
Kari Greer/USFS count
The Eastern Area Incident Management Team bid farewell to the Rice Ridge Fire Tuesday, Aug. 22.
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
A CH-47D Chinook helicopter pulling water out of Seeley Lake using a snorkel. It joined three other helicopters putting water on a slopover in the Morrell Creek drainage Sunday, Aug. 20.
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