Community Briefs

Helmville Surpasses Fundraising Goal

HELMVILLE- The Helmville Rodeo Club held their last big fundraiser for the grandstand renovation on July 1. More than 500 people showed up for the steak dinner and live auction.

“We went way above and beyond anything anyone even expected,” said Camille Coughlin, leader of the fundraising efforts.

The original goal of raising $80,00 for construction has now been met and surpassed.

Coughlin said that there is talk of phase two of renovation with the extra funds. One option being considered is a form of handicapped seating for the rodeo. Coughlin doesn’t know when the fundraising committee will be able to meet to make those decisions—it’s haying season in Helmville afterall.

“We had no idea how much support there would be out here,” said Coughlin. “We’re very excited to know that lots of people love this place.”

Fire Danger Moved to “High” – Open Burning Closed

MISSOULA – Fire officials with the Missoula County Fire Protection Association (MCFPA) have moved the fire danger to “High” starting Monday, July 3.

Despite the moisture we received mid-June, the fine fuels (grasses and small shrubs) are quickly drying and curing out. The 10-day weather forecast calls for increased hot conditions this week, remaining hot and dry through next week.

Open burning (debris burning) closed July 1 in Missoula County. People are urged to be extremely careful while recreating out in the woods in Montana. When traveling please check tow chains to make sure they aren’t dragging and causing sparks. If having a campfire, please be responsible and put it out and make sure that it is cold to the touch.

The MCFPA would like to thank the residents of Missoula County for being cautious while enjoying the outdoors and appreciate your cooperation.

Find more on the web, at: and like us on Facebook for instant updates throughout the week.

Special Areas Opened to Firewood Cutting

KALISPELL – The Flathead National Forest will open roads in two administrative use areas for personal use firewood collection from July 7 –Aug. 7. This will allow temporary access for woodcutting on some roads that are normally closed to public motorized traffic. The two areas include:

1. Blacktail Mountain Firewood on Swan Lake Ranger District – Gated Road 2957 in Section 21, T26N, R21W. This road provides access to both non-saw decked material as well as dead/standing trees. This road system will open at 7 a.m., July 7 and close Aug. 7, 2017.

2. Lake Five Firewood on Hungry Horse Ranger District– Gated roads 2863 and 11065 in Section 15, T31N, R19W. These road systems will open at 7 a.m., July 7 and close Aug. 7, 2017.

A Forest Service personal-use firewood permit is available for a minimum of four cords of firewood for $20. Woodcutters must have their permit with them while collecting wood and fill it out as required. Please read and follow all terms and conditions written on the permit.

The area will be monitored by Forest Service personnel, as in previous years. Resource damage, such as creating “stump roads” or the loss of marked wildlife trees, could result in discontinuing the opportunity to cut firewood on year-long closed roads. The USFS asks firewood cutters using the area to help continue to make this opportunity a success.

Maps of the woodcutting areas, as well as firewood permits, are available at the local ranger station in the woodcutting area or Flathead National Forest Supervisor’s Office in Kalispell.

Seeley Lake Show and Shine, July 8

SEELEY LAKE - The community is invited to bring their favorite car, old or new, to the Parts Plus parking lot in Seeley Lake July 8 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. for the annual Show and Shine. There will also be a silent auction with all proceeds benefiting the Seeley-Swan Search and Rescue.

Everyone is invited to attend this free event.

Swan Valley AARP Meeting, July 10

Swan Valley - The Swan Valley AARP will meet Monday, July 10 at noon at the picnic area behind Swan Valley Connections. A potluck lunch will begin at 12:30 p.m.

Starting at 1:30 p.m., there will be a discussion of conservation easements. The public is welcome to attend.

Grasshopper Management Presentation, July 11

POTOMAC - Join Richard “Joe” Merenz with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 11 at the Blackfoot Church, 29791 Potomac Road. He will be discussing the grasshopper species populating the Potomac area in high numbers and management alternatives.

For more information contact Jerry Marks with the Missoula County Extension office 406-258-4204 or Jody Wills 406-244-5253.


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