Seeley Lake Sewer District's Response to Incorrect Facts

SEELEY LAKE - Recent comments published in the Pathfinder were not factually correct regarding the background and future of Seeley Lake’s proposed sewer project.

The vote that was held last December was not a referendum on whether there should be a sewer project in Seeley Lake. The vote was only to determine if the bonded debt for the sewer system ($4.488 million) could rely on a particular methodology to handle any default payments that might occur. The failure of that vote simply means that a different course of funding will have to be established for a debt payment reserve fund to meet USDA lending requirements.

Passage of the December referendum was not a legal requirement in order for the sewer project to move forward.

As to the future of the sewer project, all property owners in all four sub-districts (construction phases) will have equal opportunity to protest debt assessments at the same time, during the upcoming notice and protest period. Detailed explanation of the process and how property owners can respond will be mailed to each individual parcel owners, who will then have 30 days to protest the debt assessment. If the bonded debt is authorized by the parcel owners in all sub-districts through this process, the project can then move forward to construction.

Lastly, after the notice and protest period but before the project can be advertised for bid, the USDA is requiring the Seeley Lake Sewer District to determine how many parcels in Sub-district 1 will sign agreements to connect to the system at startup. This is a separate process from the notice-and-protest process but does give individual property owners an opportunity to have a say in when they connect to the system. Property owners in the remaining three sub-districts will have a similar opportunity prior to those phases of construction going out to bid.

As the recent letter writer indicated, it is important that residents in the Sewer District understand the facts about this project. I hope this information clarifies questions raised about the past and future of this project.

In the coming weeks, the Seeley Lake Sewer District board will publish a FAQ covering these and other topics. In the meantime, if you have questions, I encourage you to reach out to me at 406-897-4808 or email


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