Father's Day

I write this as Father’s Day is drawing to an end. You won’t be reading it for another few days, or possibly later than that, but I still found myself reflecting on my father today and decided to share a bit with you.

My father was a great father. He still is! He is a godly man who loves the Lord with his whole heart and has played an active role in the lives of my sister and I while loving us unconditionally.

I respect him greatly, love him dearly, cherish my many wonderful childhood memories of him, and continue to look forward to the time I get to spend with him when we get together. He is an encouragement to his grandchildren and is dedicated to sharing the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ with anyone he gets an opportunity to share with. I thank God for giving me such a man to serve as my father.

And many of you can probably relate to my thoughts of my dad but I know that many others of you cannot. You may not have known your father. Your father may have been an angry person who did not show love to you or his family. However, God in His infinite wisdom, grace and love, serves as the perfect Father for you.

My dad was not perfect, but God always is.

My dad occasionally let me down. God never does. My dad does not know everything. God is omniscient.

My dad provided for me for many years of my life. God has provided life itself and every form of sustenance that comes with it.

My dad was usually but not always there for me. God is always everywhere.

God the Father is the perfect Father for every one of us and because of His great love for us, He sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins.

If your human father was good, thank God for him. If your human father was not so good, thank God for being the perfect Father to you.

If your father is still alive, pray for him. Proverbs 10:1 says “A wise son makes a glad father...”

Someone said, “It is a wise father who knows his child. But maybe it’s a very wise child who takes time to know his father.”

So, as you reflect back on this Father’s Day and look ahead to next Father’s Day, take time to know both your human father (if possible) and your heavenly Father. And if you are a father, ask God to help you be the best father you can be.


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