Bathtub Still Life Featuring Swedish Fish

When you're sleeping in a hotel bathtub you are at your all time low.

Why are you sleeping in your hotel bathtub when there are two nice warm beds in the main room next to you?

How can a bathtub be comfortable or fitting?

First become small, small like you are nothing.

Lean against the wall opposite the faucet. Place a leg on either side and try to relax. As if you are on a sunny beach.

Now why are you sleeping in a bathtub? Because you are trying to keep feelings of love and remembrance from running down the drain.

You try to keep them contained in the bathtub.

There is always that one scene in the middle of the movie that shows the main character sleeping or sitting in the bath tub all alone just thinking, thinking, thinking....

Not even the distant train noises can drive out the sounds of him leaving, slamming the door, tears drying on your cheeks as you choke on a broken heart.

The only thing you can do is stare into moldy tile walls that surround you three corners and all.

Like an old gas station sink and scrubbed toilets black with bacteria swimming like your thoughts.

Bathtubs are great.

Bathtubs will become your new best friend

Bathtubs will always be there for you.

If you need to bathe just strip your tear dampened Pikachu shirt.... or whatever

You can write poetry at 4 a.m. while not bothering anyone.

You can watch Netflix for hours upon hours while devouring three tons of Swedish fish almost until.

Red turns to green

You can watch The Notebook and eat a tub of rainbow sherbert and cry and even after all of these things people will still judge you for sleeping in a bathtub

Sleeping in a bathtub is not a walk in the park.

It is tricky to fit two people in a cold porcelain shell comfortably.

It becomes a third world government when there is no ice cream, Netflix or red #40 colored fish.

When you can hear outside the window the sounds of people talking on their phones about the love they never truly had

Stray dogs barking

Remind you about a slip on your door saying you need to get out because you can't afford rent

When you feel lost at 2 a.m.

When listening to heartfelt alternative rock songs

And you chew on ideas as if they were Swedish fish.

When all of the real world problems hit along with your own stubborn regret the only thing you can do is curl up in a bathtub, not pay rent.

And you chew on ideas as if they were Swedish fish.

Writing poetry is like sleeping in a bathtub.

You do it because of feelings.


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