SEELEY LAKE – Verizon Wireless customers can expect better service in and around the Seeley Lake region. Andesite Properties LLC installed a new cellular tower on Redwood Lane approximately one block from Highway 83. The tower is 150 feet tall.
The tower currently has only one tenant, Verizon, but J.R. Reger, a member of Andesite Properties, said that it can hold up to five. Reger has contacted Sprint, AT&T and T Mobile about utilizing the tower as well.
Reger said that Seeley Lake needed a tower in town to accommodate more wireless infrastructure. He was contacted by a wireless carrier a few years ago requesting a tower in the area. At the November 2015 Seeley Lake Community Council meeting, Reger detailed the plans for the tower.
The tower went through an Federal Aviation Administration study prior to construction. It was determined that due to the distance from the Seeley Lake Airport, Seeley-Swan Medical Center helicopter landing pad and current flight paths, there does not need to be lights on the tower.
The tower is set up to accommodate all wireless infrastructure, including phone carriers, internet companies and emergency communications.
"It's essentially enough infrastructure for the town to utilize for the indefinite future," said Reger.
Reader Comments(1)
Tower writes:
So happy to get another cell tower. Stopped by and looked at it Saturday. No antenna's on it yet do you know when it will be operational? Hope soon.
06/20/2017, 5:17 pm