After writing columns for 20 years I must take time off. I must thank all of you who read my columns and in so many ways have helped change people and helped save many cats’ and dogs’ lives. We must stay vigilante and always stand tall when it comes to cruelty and abuse of children and pets.
I thank you all for supporting our cake sales in many ways and helping The Ed Jackson Helping Pets Fund, which is no more, and the Potomac Animal Shelter. The shelter is always in need of funds and has saved so many abused pets and found them loving homes. The donations also are so appreciated! Deep appreciation to The Pathfinder, Andi, Katie and Nathan for all their time and being so good about taking out my BAD words, which I can use when it comes to abuse.
Which brings a case of stupidity. While leaving Cory’s two weeks ago, this burgundy older pickup going too fast with garbage and wood in the front of the box with two little pups in the back slammed on his brakes (a six-year-old in a man’s body throwing a temper fit apparently). He stopped so hard and fast it threw the pups up against the wood and they were trying to get over. He turned the corner so fast one of the pups almost flew out.
I would have followed him but he was doing 70 by the time he was at the end of the motel. I regret now I hadn’t followed him.
People when you treat dogs like this, you should not be allowed to have a loving animal. GROW UP!
Received a nice thank you from a family we helped in neutering their beautiful dog and they even sent a picture of him. How thoughtful!
What is in your dog and cat food? Do yourself a favor and go to the computer and find out. Buying the cheapest never works for anything and doing the research may save you a vet bill.
There are hundreds of dog foods out there, don’t be fooled by the famous brands.
Do you eat the same food everyday? Wouldn’t you get tired of that? You should change your dog food four times a year.
When you buy a 40 pound bag, and you only have one dog by the time you get to one third of the bag, the moisture is gone.
Change their diet, check the date, check the ingredients. Get one that is 15 to 20 percent protein and is low in fat and perhaps has some veggies and fruit in it. Yes, it may cost more but take a look at a vet bill.
Now for the little dogs, check out what you are feeding them also. Please people, no by-products. Meat should be the first or second thing on your canned food or your dry food. Check out what you are feeding your love companion.
I get a lot of info from the magazine “Whole Dog Journal.” It is very helpful! Different dogs need different kinds of food. Don’t be fooled by ads, pictures or adjectives, look at the date and ingredients. You owe it to your pets.
If one would like to continue my column, please call the Pathfinder, 677-2022, or email
Thanks again to all. Stay strong and protect those who cannot speak for themselves. Blessings,
Elinor Williamson
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