History Repeats Itself

SEELEY LAKE - During the record challenging winter of 1997, the Double Arrow Ranch barn collapsed. Coincidentally, the community had recently completed an assessment and had identified a need for a permanent home for the Chamber of Commerce and a museum, among other things. So instead of tossing a match to the rubble, the logs were taken apart and reassembled, Lincoln log style, with a tremendous amount of community volunteer efforts. It now serves as the Seeley Lake Historical Museum and Visitor Center.

About a year ago, the owner of a 100-year old log cabin offered it to the Seeley Lake Historical Society. Since it had once belonged to the historic Maloney family, the society decided to move it to the museum site to serve as a display of pioneer era furnishings and culture. Fundraising is being directed to that effort.

The winter of 2017 was thought to be about the most severe since 1997 by many Seeley Lakers. The cabin survived the snow and probably many worse, but a big huff of wind de-roofed and partially collapsed it. The wind helped dismantle it for moving but help of several volunteers will be needed to complete the task.

Although a healthy chunk of change from grants is available, funding is still only about half what originally was estimated to complete the building move. Unless more funds are acquired and volunteer labor secured, the project may need to be abandoned.

This project is eligible for the Change Your Pace Challenge matching grants through the Seeley Lake Community Foundation. Donations can by made to the Foundation and designated to the Historical Society from May 19-July 21.

Anyone wanting to learn about log building construction techniques, or otherwise wishing to donate time, materials (or money) please contact the Seeley Lake Historical Society by email slhistory@blackfoot.net or call 406-677-3398.


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