Missoula County Cuts Dust Abatement Program

MISSOULA - Due to serious and potentially hazardous infrastructure conditions resulting from higher than normal levels of snowfall and runoff, as well as heavier rains, Missoula County Public Works, with the approval of Missoula County Commissioners, has decided to cut the dust abatement program this year.

In previous years, Missoula County has abated approximately 80 miles of road and offered a shared-use program since 2010. The county has worked to supplement its own program with resident participation wherever possible by allowing residents to purchase dust palliative by adding their quantities to the county’s annual purchase that is advertised for bids.

Missoula County Public Works staff approached the Commissioners March 29 with a proposal to cut the dust abatement program this spring and not offer the shared-use program. The department is facing drastic budget cuts as the result of lost federal Secure Rural Schools (SRS) funding. Because SRS was not reauthorized at the federal level, the Missoula County Road budget is losing $406,405.

The county is additionally facing the immediate need to address several road and bridge issues due to unexpected slope failures and erosion experienced this spring after an extremely wet winter.

It is because of these cuts and critical infrastructure needs that Public Works recommended the $150,000 dust abatement program be removed this year, as the residual effects of the dust palliative used provides for ongoing dust suppression. 

Missoula County is in the process of contacting as many affected landowners as possible in the areas typically treated under the dust abatement program to update them on the decision made and efforts the county is taking to mitigate concerns. Residents are encouraged to contact the private dust abatement companies if they wish to contract for these services without the county’s involvement. Missoula County is providing the contractors’ contact information to residents and will be sending the companies names and addresses of the residents affected by program cuts. Public Works will continue to provide the road preparation as in prior years once the contracts are in place with the abatement providers. This will ensure the application of the materials is as effective and long lasting as possible.

More information about the county’s dust abatement program can be found on the Missoula County Public Works website. To view the interactive map that provides detailed information regarding all known road maintenance issues visit https://veoci.com/veoci/p/map/r/sank8argwt. Flooding on the Condon Loop Road is the only road in the Clearwater, Blackfoot, Swan Drainages included on the map. The damage was reported March 21 and the road is currently being monitored.

For information or questions, please contact Missoula County Engineer Erik Dickson, 406-258-3772 or edickson@missoulacounty.us or Public Works Operations Coordinator Kris Blank at 406-258-3710 or kblank@missoulacounty.us.


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