Never Closed for Business

We live in an era when it is easier and easier to get what we need, when we want it. Yet, we are still limited by availability. There can be occasions when we have to wait to see the dentist or arrive at a store before closing time. Often there are people we need to meet with who may not be available for a long time. As I continue to write about the attributes of God, what is certain is that God is never closed for business.

An attribute of God describes the Lord’s character, His nature, and what is true about God. From the Bible we experience the wonderful truth that God is all-present. Along with all-knowing, and all-power, God is present at all places, everywhere, always.

If I need to make an appointment to see someone, or desperately need to visit a store, I am at the mercy of store hours or the availability of the person I want to see. Depending on how important the person is, I may never get the chance.

I think it’s important to stop and be thankful that God is never closed for business, or simply unavailable. God doesn’t have time slots, or regional offices that we have wait to visit. The Lord is near me and available to me at all times.

Even if we wanted to, we could not even escape or hide from God’s presence. The Bible says, “Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?” says the LORD.” (Jeremiah 23:24, NLT) And also…“Where could I go to escape from you? Where could I get away from your presence?” (Psalm 139:7, TEV)

The attributes of God show us how we can rest in and trust in how the Lord works within our lives. My relationship with God does not depend upon store hours or making sure I visit the Lord at the right time. I can pray and have fellowship with God at all times, knowing that He always hears me. I can rest in His nearness and presence. This leads me to make the most of communing with the Lord in every moment.


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