Hopkins' Legislative Update

HELENA - Things have been moving pretty quickly here in the Legislature as we move towards transmittal. Since the beginning of the session, I have been working on a set of veteran legislation focusing on ways to help that part of the veterans community which is experiencing a surge in suicide.

Last week, my primary bill HB538 had its hearing and was tabled in House Human Services. Unfortunately, a significant lobbying effort which was brought about not because of problems with the bill, but because of intergovernmental drama and struggles over who should have oversight over what.

Today I attempted to blast my bill, which would have put more trained boots on the ground to reach out to veterans who are begging for help. Sadly, the motion was defeated 45-55.

After the session however, thanks to talks with the Speaker of the House, Austin Knudsen and Speaker Pro-Tempore Greg Hertz, I believe we have a new path to pass the bill. Over the next few weeks we should see this new bill take shape. Once passed, I believe it will make a significant impact on the veteran community in Montana.

Starting next week HB2 (the State Budget bill) will begin making its way through the Appropriations committee. We will start on Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. and run marathon sessions through the rest of the week to get it out of Appropriations and onto the House Floor for a vote. I am dedicated to making sure that Health and Human Services and the Education budget are protected as much as possible from budget cuts this session and I think we are in a good place as far as making it happen.

Thank you to everyone who has made contact with me and come to the capitol for one reason or another and has found time to sit down and chat with me. Legislators may not always agree with what you have to say, but if every district in Montana had as many people involved as House District 92, we would be far better off as a state.

As always, I am honored for the opportunity to represent you and be your voice in the Legislature. As we move into transmittal I will be writing a handful of letters to the editor describing in more detail where we started, where we are and where we are heading.

All the best.


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