Community Foundation Launches "I Ride Seeley Lake" Shuttle Service

SEELEY LAKE – On March 1, the Seeley Lake Community Foundation (SLCF) is launching "I Ride Seeley Lake," a shuttle service to Missoula and in Seeley Lake for medical, physical therapy and chiropractor appointments and pharmacy pick-up.

SLCF Executive Director Anne Beach acknowledges there are other stops that may be beneficial for riders but the program is starting small and may expand in the future depending on use.

The need for public transportation was highlighted by a survey conducted by the SLCF.  Beach wrote in an email that the original idea was to provide an "I Ride" van from Missoula for commuters to the mill, the Seeley Lake Ranger District and potentially another one to the schools.  The concept was that then the van would be here in Seeley Lake and be available to transport people around town. 

The SLCF began working with Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management (at that time) since they have van pools in other communities. 

"This idea did not pan out for a couple of reasons, one being the necessary subsidy from the employers and also the varied schedules with the employers," wrote Beach. 

The Community Needs Assessment listening session reiterated the need for transportation to and from the clinic and pharmacy.  The SLCF partnered with the Seeley-Swan Medical Center Foundation and Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association (MRTMA) to provide the service.

The partnership was funded through the Change Your Pace Challenge. The donation from the Seeley-Swan Medical Center Foundation and the match from the SLCF provided the funds to purchase a vehicle and provided the required community match for the shuttle service to MRTMA.

There are two, six-passenger vans available. One is handicap accessible. The shuttles will provide transportation from a resident's home to and from the medical center and the Lazy Pine Mall. The boundaries for the shuttle include: north to Summit Lake, south to Clearwater Junction and west to Placid Lake.

The tentative shuttle schedule for Seeley Lake includes Mondays - Thursdays between the hours of 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. A one-way trip in Seeley is $1. Trips to Missoula are $5 for a one-way trip. Punch cards for $10 will be available at the SLCF office and from the drivers.

"For right now it is for medical and pharmacy [services]," said Beach. "We know there is a need in the community for that transportation. It will be door-to-door service."

At the Seeley Lake Community Council meeting Jan. 10, members of the community asked about transportation to the post office and/or the Seeley-Swan Community Food Bank. Beach said the shuttle service is not available for those stops at this time however, "I think it will be great to see how this grows. We are just taking little baby steps."

To make an appointment for the shuttle, call dispatcher Flo Flemstad at 406-880-3685. Appointments must be made 24 hours in advance.

The SLCF is looking for volunteer drivers. MRTMA provides all insurance for drivers. Drivers must attend training but SLCF will coordinate. The first training was held Feb. 23. Another will be scheduled as needed.

Beach said, "It's exciting and we are really looking forward to it."


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