Thank You for Making the 2017 Seeley Lake ROCKS Peter Hale Race a Huge Success

SEELEY LAKE - We would like to sincerely thank our hosts, partners, volunteers and racers that made the 2017 Seeley Lake ROCKS Peter Hale Race a huge success.  The hosts, partners and many volunteers involved again exemplifies what Seeley Lake always demonstrates….working together creates a big success.  Our Olympic partner John Morton was impressed with the viability of such a small town and its welcoming personality.

 Fifty-One skiers completed the race on Feb. 4 at the Rich Ranch.  Our youngest racer was Macy Williams, Ovando.  The oldest racer (and youngest at heart) was Alden Wright, 74, of Missoula.  We had 32 local racers, six from Helena, six from the Flathead and seven others from outside the area.  We even had racers from Calgary and Sweden and three from out-of-state.

 The race would not be possible without our hosts, the USFS Seeley Lake Ranger District and the Rich Ranch. 

Finally, we had dozens of volunteers that put in hundreds of hours to make the race happen.  Thanks so much to that crew!

 We could not do this without this incredible team!

Sincerely, Seeley Lake ROCKS Race Committee:

Jim McLean, Dave Plante, Jeannie Lorentz. Lee Boman, Mike Lindemer and Jean Dickey

Seeley Lake, Mont.


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