Seeley Lake Trails Project Launches Public Input Session Feb. 25

Trail users invited to discuss improved Seeley Lake Trails System

SEELEY LAKE - Following two years of preparation, the Seeley Lake Trails Project will launch its public input process on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 1-4 p.m. at the Seeley Lake Community Hall in Seeley Lake. The meeting will bring local and regional residents up-to-date on the work of this consortium of more than two dozen organizations and individuals whose goal is to develop a comprehensive trails plan across ownerships for the Clearwater Valley. Most importantly, the meeting will seek detailed feedback and opinions on trail needs and preferences through discussion and a detailed personal survey.

“This Feb. 25 open house will enable local trail users to examine detailed maps of current trails and weigh in on what an upgraded local trails system would look like,” said Bill Wall, member of the Trails Advisory Council.

The Trails Project Advisory Council has been convened by the Clearwater Resource Council, who facilitates this project in a non-voting capacity. This diverse project is comprised of motorized and non-motorized groups and individuals working together to plan trails across ownerships for the Clearwater Valley that will benefit all user groups and include 1) improvements and maintenance for existing trail infrastructure, 2) some development of new trails, and 3) marketing to promote outdoor recreation and tourism. Once the plan is developed, community partners will work with land managers to go through the appropriate review and approval process following their policies and procedures. Although it should not be assumed that proposed trail improvements will be approved by land managers, it is our goal to develop a plan that can be feasibly implemented.

New trail development will prioritize:

• In-town access to the trail system,

• Enhanced recreational opportunities, including motorized trail access for seniors and alternatively-abled and development of loop trails where possible and

• Connections to nearby towns and regional trail networks.

When implemented, the trail system is expected to:

• Improve community access to healthy, safe, all-season outdoor recreation for all user groups,

• Enhance visitors’ experiences and attract more visitors to benefit local businesses,

• Support sustainable economic development and

• Protect the area’s unique ecosystems and sensitive wildlife species.

Please join us Saturday, Feb. 25, from 1-4 p.m. at the Seeley Lake Community Hall. Refreshments will be provided. Free. Everyone is welcome.

If you cannot attend, surveys will be available on-line at and at these local businesses in hard copy following the meeting: Double Arrow Lodge, Grizzly Claw Trading Company, Kurt’s Polaris, Optimal Fitness, Roveros, Seeley Lake Elementary School, Seeley-Swan High School. Completed surveys are due July 17.

To get involved in the Seeley Lake Trails Project, contact Cathy Kahnle at


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