Missoula County Commissioners Seeking Applicants for Board Positions

MISSOULA - The Missoula County Commissioners are looking to fill vacancies on eight boards. All applications are available online or in the County Commissioners’ Office, located at 199 West Pine Street. Submissions may be filed electronically or emailed to bcc@missoulacounty.us.

Deadline for applications is Feb. 16 by 5 p.m. except for the Zoning Board of Adjustments’ deadline which is Feb. 17 by 5 p.m. and Library Board Alternate which is March 3.

Historical Museum Board – Two regular member vacancies and one alternate position to serve a three-year term. Members are responsible for the daily operations of the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula, except for those fiscal and personnel, statutory and administrative authorities reserved by Missoula County.

Local Emergency Planning Committee - One vacancy to be appointed by the Missoula County Commissioners to serve a two-year term. Total of 19 members, consisting of one City elected official, one County elected official, one Missoula Police Department representative, one Missoula County Sheriff’s Office representative, one City Fire Department representative, one Rural Fire representative, one County Fire Protection Association representative, one Missoula County Office of Emergency Management representative, one City-County Health Department representative, one Montana Rail Link transportation industry representative, one Hexion Chemical representative, one  American Red Cross representative, one St. Patrick Hospital representative, one Community Medical Center representative, one University of Montana representative, two citizen members appointed by City Council, two citizen members appointed by the Missoula County Commissioners. 

Parks and Trails Advisory Board – One vacancy for a regular member to serve a three-year term. The board consists of one County Commissioner and six members appointed by the County Commissioners. Two alternate members are appointed by the commissioners, who select one to three-year term lengths.

Weed Control Board – Two vacancies for alternate positions for three-year terms. Board consists of nine regular members and two alternate positions.

Zoning Board of Adjustment – Five, two-year terms are available for three regular members and two alternate members.

Missoula Public Library Board - One alternate member term vacant through June 30, 2017. At the end of the term, the alternate member can reapply to be reappointed to a new five-year alternate term. The library alternate member shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The alternate member shall not advance to trustee status until he/she is appointed to the board by the Commissioners. The selected alternate is expected to attend all meetings and participate fully in discussion without voting rights.

Please contact the County Commissioners’ Office at 406-258-4230 with questions. All board vacancies are listed and applications are available on the website http://www.missoulacounty.us/community/current-vacancies or at the County Commissioners’ Office, located at 199 West Pine Street. Submissions may be filed electronically or emailed to bcc@missoulacounty.us.


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