Building Community Appreciation and Having Fun

SEELEY LAKE – Seeley Lake Elementary (SLE) Snow School, an after school program funded through the 21st century grant, is in full swing. The goal is to provide outdoor activities that engage the students in their community.

This past Thursday, second through fifth-graders walked to Lindey's Prime Steak House, went sledding and played hockey and presented Mike Lindemer with a thank you from the school for his donations from the Seeley Lake Pond Hockey Tournament.

Snow School is open for second through eighth grade students every Thursday through the end of February.

"If the younger ones [preschool through first grade] want to come, they can come with their parents. It gives that structure," said Burwick. "I love the after school mix because the older students help take care of the younger kids. I've also noticed it builds strong friendships across grades and teaches responsibility."

Third grade teacher Kelsi Luhnow writes the lessons and first grade teacher Maggie Burwick and second grade teacher Erin Lynch co-lead the activities.

During Wednesday's after school STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) club, the students made a Thank You banner for Mike Lindemer, owner of Lindey's and Pond Hockey tournament organizer. Luhnow shared with the students how much Lindey's donates to the school from their Pond Hockey tournament proceeds.

"We had a big talk with all the kids and the kids wanted to do the banner. They thought it was a great idea," said Burwick. "We wanted to thank Mike for all he does for the school and his donations from pond hockey."

Lindemer plowed a couple of the pond hockey rinks for the students to play broom hockey on and groomed the hill for them to sled down. Students were required to wear helmets while playing hockey and were encouraged to keep them on while sledding.

"We want them to have fun but be safe and watch out for each other," said Burwick. "We hope to teach them skills that they can use on the weekend or after school. I hope it transfers over to enjoying the community. Some of these kids don't really get out unless they go with the school."

Burwick hopes the program continues every year. She invites anyone from the community with ideas or a desire to get involved with the program to call SLE, 406-677-2265.


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