Bringing Love of Christ to Africa

SEELEY LAKE – Thirteen-year-old Grace Wilson will go on her first mission trip this summer. While many youth who are interested in mission work start out by going on a trip close to home, Wilson is going to Malawi, Africa for three weeks with a team from Teen Missions International. Her goal is to share the Good News and love of Jesus Christ with everyone she meets.

Wilson has been interested in mission work for many years.

"A lot of people need to know about Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross because He is the perfect sacrifice," said Wilson. "God sent his Son into the world so that we can be forgiven from our sins, so that we don't have to make sacrifices anymore. And He did it because He loved us enough to die for us. People around the world need to know that Jesus loves them and that He's there for them."

While watching CNN Student News one day at school, Wilson remembered watching how bad things are in the world and how Christians are being persecuted for their faith.

"I decided I wanted to do something," said Wilson.

Her father, Pastor Craig Wilson at Mission Bible Fellowship recommended a trip with Teen Missions International.

Teen Missions was founded in 1970 by a group of men and women who were passionate about getting youth involved in missions. Their goal is to awaken teenagers to the needs in missions, acquaint them with the reality of life on the mission field and give them an opportunity to serve the Lord through work projects and evangelism. The program sends 40 teams to more than 30 countries each year.

Wilson decided on a preteen trip, ages 10-13, to Malawi, Africa June 20-July 28. She will spend two weeks at a Boot Camp in Merritt Island, Fla. where she will train with her team of 20-25 people. She is flying by herself and does not know anyone who will be on her team.

Following Boot Camp, the team will travel to Malawi for three weeks. Their primary project is to build a community playground at an AIDS Orphans Rescue Unit. Wilson said they will also share the love of Christ with Malawian children through Bible lessons, phonics classes, playing games and memory verse quizzing. On Sundays, Wilson and her team will share the Gospel through personal testimonies, music and puppetry at local churches and the surrounding areas.

"I chose Malawi because it is remote and not many people who are Christians go there," said Wilson. "Plus we are building a playground for orphans. Since I'm adopted I thought why not because I know what the orphans are going through. I'll be able to understand them."

Since this is Wilson's first mission trip, she is excited about everything. She is looking forward to meeting her team and connecting with them and then meeting the children in Malawi.

"I'm most excited to be sharing God's love with other people," said Wilson. "I'm not really nervous. God has given me a peace about this and has made it clear that He wants me to go. I'm a little nervous I won't have enough money but I know God will provide."

Wilson is asking anyone willing to pray for her to add her to their prayer list. She is also looking for work or donations to help her raise the nearly $4,000 for the trip. To get in touch with Wilson she can be reached by calling 406-499-2903.


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