Information Packet Hits Legal Snag

Seeley Lake Sewer District

SEELEY LAKE - As of their Nov. 17 regular meeting, the Seeley Lake Sewer Board will not be sending out informational packets on the proposed wastewater treatment plant. Concerned residents discussed the possibility of sending out information on their own at the meeting.

District Vice President Mike Lindemer said the district planned to publish an informational packet but hit a legal roadblock. An attorney with the public relations company the district hired to produce the packet said it would be illegal to send.

Lindemer said the board was told they had to produce and mail the information 60 days ahead of the bond election for it to be legal.

District Manager Amy Rose said that the board could present the information to the county attorney for a second opinion but the company hasn’t left them enough time to produce something on their own. They had planned on sending the information ahead of the ballots being mailed out Nov. 23. Ballots for the election are due back at the Missoula County Elections office Dec. 13.

Concerned citizens from within and outside the district asked the board if it was okay to send out information privately. They called the approximately $8 million in grants a “gift” to the district and don’t want to see it wasted if the bond election fails.

The board reiterated that they would not be involved as a board but said private citizens can do what they want.

The next regular SLSD board meeting is scheduled for 5:15 p.m. Dec. 15 at the Missoula County Satellite Office located at 3360 Highway 83.


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