Local Survey Update on Presidential Nominees

1. E-mail Gate: My “Hillary for President” T-shirt showed me that the attitudes toward my Hillary option were greeted with a fair amount of curiosity and suspicion. My friends thought I had lost my bearings, my not so much friends, thought I had finally gained access to what little intelligence I had left ( pun intended).

2. Locker room talk- gate: The attitudes toward my Trump T-shirt expo was without a doubt, more emotional than option number 1. I was accused of less than honorable moral standing (Hitler comparison). I guess no one read what Hillary said about and did to Bill’s girlfriends. Talk about locker room talk. Wow!!

I thought I had covered all my bases when a friend informed me that unlike Fox News I was not being fair and balanced. When I questioned them about such a unsubstantiated and hurtful statement I was told to meet with them and I would be shown the proof.

A challenge of possible Watergate proportions was issued and there was no question about whether I should accept it or not. I met with them and was gifted with a third shirt that was the third and final piece of the political/social experiment, a Gary E. Johnson shirt!

3. Who?-gate: I wore that shirt for two days only to realize that potential President Gary had backers that appeared to be devoid of emotions. I had two days of blank stares and several who is thats, but, I felt that I had completed my mission and could now rest.

Setting in my Lazy-Boy recliner, I opened my absentee ballot to begin the performance of the optimum civil duty of voting. Imagine, if you will, my surprise when I saw that I still had not fully represented ALL the nominees. Right there before my very eyes, in the vote for President column were names that I was not familiar with, Jill Stein (Green Party) and Rocque “Rocky” De La Fuente (American Delta Party)! Shirts for them, and time being somewhat limited, I do not think I will be successful in my quest to include them this time.

My eyes closed and I began planning for my 2020 election experiment. See you then.


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