Reject Washington D.C. – Style Politics

As candidates, we all have to make a choice as to what kind of campaign we want to run. Recently, mail from my opponent has been sent out blatantly lying about my positions, from public lands to education. I take these lies as a compliment, as I imagine that my opponent’s campaign staff would not be lying about my record if they were not worried about their chances of winning. When I knock on doors in House District 92, I do not even mention my opponent.

My campaign is focused on providing a vision for my home states future. I talk about how we can create better paying jobs in Montana, how we can get infrastructure funding passed, how we can make smarter investments in education moving forward and how I have a proven record of getting these things done.

I talk about standing up for Montana jobs in the timber and energy industries, and how Republicans in the State Legislature fight for these jobs every legislative session, often having to fight against Democratic legislators who constantly demonize these industries.

Negative campaigning is only effective if we as citizens allow it to be. Personally, I blame this kind of politics for the majority of our problems as a state and nation, that’s why I choose to reject it.

I hope you will join me in rejecting Washington D.C. style politics. It has not worked out very well for D.C. and we don’t need it here in Montana.

My name is Mike Hopkins and I am running to represent you in House District 92 because as a 4th generation Montanan this is my home, we have serious problems facing our state that need to be addressed and I believe that my experience makes me the better qualified candidate to tackle these challenges.

Mike Hopkins Republican Candidate for House District 92


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