
Health Happens

Let's talk vaccinations, shall we? I have been hesitant to tackle this subject as there are many with strong opinions. So before you roll your eyes and quit reading, let me assure you that I have no intention to preach hellfire and damnation to anyone who is hesitant to have their children (or themselves) vaccinated.

Are you defensive when the topic is brought up? Perhaps feeling that there is an agenda that takes precedent over any of your concerns-you must vaccinate! This should never be the case.

Now don't get me wrong, I encourage immunizations whenever I get the chance. However, I recognize that in almost all cases this 'vaccine hesitancy' has everything to do with a parents' desire to protect their child. Who can find fault in that?

Interestingly, I have noticed that most parents with an objection to vaccinations are keenly in tune to their child's health and focused on their well-being. There is nothing wrong with being concerned over your child's health.

Whatever your concern, my advise is to keep an open mind and talk to your provider (your doctor, PA or nurse practitioner).

The number one concern I hear about vaccines is safety. Have a discussion at your clinic visit. Ask: "How safe is this vaccine?"

Make sure you express your fears (perhaps you've heard about people getting autism from vaccines, contracting polio or having any number of severe reactions).

Often mothers are concerned about the shear number of vaccines required, even I sometimes cringe-especially at the 12-month well-child visit! Talk! Express your concerns.

Ask about the vaccination schedule. Ask about splitting the shots up (can I do some today and some in a month).

Develop a plan together!

Here are some other things to discuss with your healthcare provider.

What are all the bad things that could happen with this vaccine (what's the risk)?

What could happen if I don't get this particular vaccine?

Are there specific vaccinations for my child given her unique health concerns?

Tell me about measles. What are the chances of catching measles if I don't vaccinate?

How about tetanus?

How about chicken pox, whooping cough or polio?

If I travel, what are the health risks and how can immunizations help me avoid them?

In short, ask any dang thing you want-it's your visit, make the most of it! Make an informed decision.

It should come as no surprise to anyone, that in most cases, your provider has the same goal in mind as you-keeping your child healthy. While there are some that have no room for discussion, a my way or the highway mentality, they are the exception.

Stay informed, keep your kids healthy, get your vaccines and as always, see you at the clinic!


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