Marx is Authentic Voice for HD92

House District 92 is a sprawling district running from East Missoula out to Clinton and up to the Swan. It’s a district of young families, retirees, small business, isolationists, farmers, ranchers, loggers, artists, tradespeople and scientists all struggling to realize their version of Montana. We need a practical, thoughtful voice in Helena that can represent our disparate needs. Addrien Marx is that authentic voice. 

Her experience ranges from being a teacher and editor/publisher to longtime construction business owner to owning and managing Rovero’s for 20 years, one of Seeley Lake’s beloved downtown business. She is the consummate community citizen, serving on numerous boards and councils grappling to balance industry and development with conservation and maintaining our historical heritage with an eye to the future. Marx was chair of the Seeley Lake Community Council during the contentious land use planning years and artfully kept the community together when most would have preferred to go their separate ways.

Maybe it’s because she was born and raised in Butte, but Marx, while gritty  and tough, isn’t afraid to listen and collaborate. She knows how to stretch dollars and generate civic enthusiasm, she helps others help themselves.

A grandmother and a widow now married, Marx understands the complexity, heartaches and joys of maintaining a family in Montana. She is tireless in that commitment. We should be so lucky to have her represent us.

Please vote Addrien Marx for HD 92.


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