Swan Valley Community Foundation to Announce $70,000 Grant Initiatives

SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) invites the public to help celebrate the receipt of $70,000 grant from the William H. Donner Foundation, Inc. A formal announcement of the award and presentation of the four initiatives will be at the Swan Valley Community Council meeting, Oct. 18. The announcement is the last agenda item for the council meeting that starts at 7 p.m. at the Swan Valley Community Hall.

The SVCF was incorporated in 2011 and received its non-profit 501(c)(3) status in 2012.

The SVCF started small in 2012 with the goal of building initial leadership funds and capital to establish a permanent endowment for the Swan Valley. The SVCF envisions a vibrant community of families living, recreating and working in the Swan Valley. The foundation’s mission is providing resources facilitating the betterment of the community.

The SVCF’s first event was “feeding the community” at the annual Fourth of July celebration. While the food was offered for free, the participants generously supported the foundation with a donation. The Foundation also helped support the Swan Valley P.T.A and Elementary School by providing supplies for concessions at school events. These are ongoing programs for SVCF.

By 2013, the Foundation had accrued enough funds to make an initial endowment deposit, taking advantage of an incentive offered through the Montana Community Foundation.

In 2014, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) established a daily fee for use policy at Holland Lake Campground. This was unpopular. It was a hardship for young families and retirees that use Holland Lake almost every day. The Foundation was able to negotiate an agreement with the USFS, delaying implementation of the fee policy until 2015.

In 2015 and 2016, the SVCF was able to use accrued leadership funds to underwrite the cost of season use permits from the USFS and distribute them to residents free of charge. This is an ongoing program for SVCF.

In 2016 the SVCF applied for the $70,000 grant from the William H. Donner Foundation, Inc. of Tarrytown, New York. The SVCF received the funds in September.

“The SVCF provides an unprecedented opportunity to improve our community with a reliable source of non-governmental funding,” said SVCF President John Mercer.

The SVCF is providing refreshments and delectable hors d’oeuvres created by Pam Forder. They will be available during a short recess prior to the announcement. The presentation will describe the SVCF, the grant award, how the funds will be used to benefit the community and opportunities for involvement.


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