Changing Driving Behavior Around the Schools

Ask the Sheriff

SEELEY LAKE – For the past few weeks, law enforcement has been actively working the school zones, enforcing speed limits. Once the new speed limits on Highway 83 go into effect, these will also be enforced.

Monday, Oct. 3, Missoula County Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Sunderland worked for two hours by the Seeley-Swan High School (SSHS). He wrote several speeding tickets and gave a lot of warnings.

“People need to realize that we are going to enforce the speed laws around the school,” said Sunderland. “These kids are very important to all of us.”

For Sunderland, the posted speed limit is what is enforceable. School zones are 25 mph. Tickets written in a school zone is an enhanced fine, just like in a construction zone.

There is currently no official school zone designated around SSHS or Seeley Lake Elementary (SLE). Sunderland considers from the bottom of the hill behind the high school to the west side of the bridge as the SSHS school zone. The SLE school zone is from Highway 83 to the end of SLE’s property near Juniper Drive.

While Sunderland said he’s heard every excuse in the book, for him it boils down to attentive driving.

“When people are thinking about other things, they tend to drive faster because they are not paying attention,” said Sunderland. “Be aware of the surroundings. There are speed limit signs on the main thoroughfares and people don’t see them.”

Sunderland said the best rule of thumb for drivers is to consider the speed limit 25 miles per hour unless a different speed limit is posted.

A good day for Sunderland is not pulling anyone over. This does not happen very often.

“Our job is to change behavior not to write tickets. If I feel someone understands what they have done and will change their behavior often times they will get a warning,” said Sunderland.

The Montana Department of Transportation Commission just approved new speed limits for Highway 83 through Seeley Lake. These include: south of Cory’s Valley Market to Riverview Drive, 40 mph; Riverview Drive to the Deer Country Quilts, 35 mph; Deer Country Quilts to Motor Lodge Inn, 25 mph; Motor Lodge Inn to the Community Hall, 35 mph; Community Hall to Hemlock Drive, 45 mph.

Once the new speed limits go into effect, Sunderland said law enforcement will do their best to enforce those.

Sunderland encourages anyone with questions or concerns to email or call the Pathfinder, or 677-2022, and they will be addressed in future columns.


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