What it Means to Be a 4-Her

Junior Journal

Series: Junior Journal | Story 16

4-H was created to empower young people and to give them the tools to grow in their individual strengths. But many people still ask, "Why join 4-H? What's so great about it?"

The benefits 4-H can have for young people are vast and different for each individual member. As the 4-H pledge says, all it takes is your heart, head, hands and health.

As soon as I reached second grade, which is the grade level a student must be to join, I became a Cloverbud. I entered baked goods and school art projects. Eventually, I turned nine and then I was an official 4-H member.

I started out with two Wilderness Projects and Horsemanship 1, just starting blocks that pushed me to see what other projects were available to me. I watched the older kids in my club grow up and become successful showmen in their market projects, and of course, I wanted to be just like them.

Soon, I had two lambs and was learning how to take care of them, as well as learning what a market animal should look like. At that age, I didn't understand what 4-H was going to teach me. 

Now I am sixteen and have been in 4-H for ten years. I feel this organization is one of the reasons why I am who I am today. I raised and showed market lambs for eight years and won Grand Champion Market Lamb in 2014. As time has gone by, I've realized that 4-H isn't about winning or making money but rather that it's about finding out about who you really are and what you want to become. 4-H teaches responsibility, kindness, organization, confidence and many other life skills.

4-H member Bethany Hoag says, "It also helps me give back to my community, because my club and I participate in cleaning up the highway from the Tamaracks to the Base Camp Bar."

Her brother and member Owen Hoag claims, "4-H has helped improve my public speaking." In 4-H, all members must give a demonstration to the club, which helps to improve public speaking and confidence.

Learning to take notes and how to present material, such as creating a speech, is something that is not just used in grade school and high school. They are tools that can be applied to an individual's career path.

I am one of the millions of kids that 4-H has touched and affected tremendously. The Seeley Lake Trailblazers and I are finding our own strengths together, and we are welcoming new members to join us in using our heads, hearts, hands and health. If you are interested in joining the Seeley Lake 4-H club you can leave a message for one of the leaders at Seeley Lake Elementary School.


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