That's Women's Logic

Cowgirl Ramblings

Women think we have a logical reason for everything we say and do, whether subtle or blatant. We don't understand ourselves any more than the next person but we always promise an entertaining and enlightening adventure...

For instance, why do we wax or tweeze our eyebrows just to draw them back on? Woman logic. Somewhere in our warped little mind, society has trained us that perfect eyebrows must look better shaped and sculpted and painted on. Who really knows why we think this looks better?

Why do we eat cucumbers and drink purified water all day and binge drink wine at night? Because we spend all day counting calories and counting steps and counting pounds and at the end of the day, it was just one giant disappointment. A woman knows her chocolate goes better with wine anyway. Woman logic.

We push leftovers on our families. We shall not waste! We must save money! We will eat the week old leftover meatloaf before we grocery shop. But...we will try 42 different kinds of face cream at the low, low price of $39.99 each because the first 41 were complete crap. Woman logic.

We sigh. And act dramatic. And make a big deal out of empty toilet paper rolls, overflowing garbage cans and unemptied dishwashers. This is our opportune moment to express and perfect our passive, aggressive behaviors by not saying what we want or need. We sort of relish in making the moment miserable. Woman logic.

We don't care where you decide to eat. But for the love of God, please do not go to the first twelve places you just named. None of them sound good, and well, we just aren't feeling it.

However, a nice place with a variety on their menu sounds good so we can take an hour to decide what to eat, while ordering everything to the side. Woman logic.

Date night is a very big deal. We hint at our male half telling him how long it has been since we've been on one. And when it finally happens, we {gasp!} shave legs, pick out a nice outfit, apply perfume and make-up and take hours getting ready for said date night, only to walk out and ask your guy "how do I look?" And when he responds, "You look fine, are you ready?" We roll our eyes, storm back to the bedroom, change clothes at least five times and cry because we are pretty sure he thought we looked fat.

And don't expect the night to end in magical fireworks, because we probably will still be crying and just want you to hold us. That's woman logic.

We strategically place laundry hampers in places that we think men will notice them, and try to help our men feel more successful about helping out, only to find the giant pile of dirty laundry stacked next to the hamper. So we move it to an easier, less subtle location with high hopes of him actually using it the next time. And get mad two hours later when he clearly still doesn't it. There's no need to move it again... he ignored you just fine the first time. Be mad. That's woman logic.

A woman is a complex, strange being. Good luck figuring us out because we are still trying to do the same. The study of woman logic is on-going, expensive and intricate and there are no conclusive results expected any time soon.

Hang in there guys... Haven't you always enjoyed a perplexing and thrilling mystery? In the meantime, there is still good, old, reliable beer, hunting and football.

Happy Trails,



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