American Lands Council – Best Interest for Montana or Front for Special Interest Groups?

SWAN VALLEY – Tuesday, Sept. 20 I attended the meeting at the Condon Community Center. The American Land Council presented their reasons for the transfer of Federal land to State control.

The representatives Jennifer Fielder and Kerry White put forth several good reasons for state control. Unfortunately, like most people arguing their position they made statements that, while not lies, were not totally true.

The facts were stated so as to compare apples to oranges. The one position they put forth that is hard to argue with is that the people closer to the problem are better equipped to make better decisions than the people in Washington, D.C. That is if you trust the people making the decisions at the local level.

I have to ask, does the American Land Council really have the best interest of the people of Montana at heart or are they just a front for special interests?

I would ask you to remember back to the 1990’s when the state legislature and the Governor were bought by special interests and pushed through electric deregulation. It’s hard to argue that that was in the best interest of the people of Montana.

It would be interesting to follow the money trail back from American Lands Council.


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