Council To Hold Candidates Forum

SEELEY LAKE - Candidates for the November election will present themselves at two Candidates Forums, hosted by the Seeley Lake Community Council. The first one will be held next Monday, Sept. 19, at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Hall.

Invitations have gone out to all Democrat (D), Libertarian (L) and Republican (R) candidates. Most have responded positively, some are still unsure whether they will attend, and a few have said that they cannot make it.

At press time the following candidates have announced that they will appear: Mike Fellows (US Congress, L), Mike Cooney (Lt. Governor, D), Kristen Juras and Dirk Sandefur (both MT Supreme Court, NP), Monica Lindeen (Secretary of State, D), Corey Stapleton (Secretary of State, R), and Larry Jent (State Attorney General, D).

Preceding the forum, Lee Boman will briefly speak about the Forest Plan for the Flathead National Forest. That plan will determine how public lands across the Flathead National Forest will be managed for at least the next 20 years. The Forest Service is accepting public comments until Oct. 3.

The second Candidates Forum will take place Thursday, Sept. 29 at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Hall. It will include the following offices: State Auditor, Superintendent of Public Education, Public Service Commissioner, Missoula County Commissioner, MT Senate SD 46 and MT House HD 92. All candidates have accepted the invitation, except Melissa Romano (Supt. of Public Ed., D).

Klaus von Stutterheim, Council Chair, commented that “Herding cats is nothing compared to trying to assemble all these candidates in one place at one time, especially for the top of the ticket. We are happy that most have chosen to come and continue to actively work on the stragglers.”

In other Community Council news, Thursday, Sept. 22, a delegation from the council will travel to Helena to testify before the Montana Transportation Commission for lower speed limits in Seeley Lake, in what will likely be the final chapter in an effort that has spanned over two years. Joining representatives from the council will be County Commissioner Stacy Rye, State Senator Sue Malek, Sheriff Sergeant Robert Parcell and a number of community members. Anyone interested in testifying should contact Duane “Cecil” Schlabach, Chair of the Council’s Traffic Project, at 406-210-2990, or Klaus von Stutterheim at 406-210-8576,

Following the Candidates Forum Sept. 19, the Council will hold its regular monthly meeting which will include an opportunity for public comments on non-agenda items.

For further information please contact Klaus von Stutterheim, Chair, at 406‑210-8576 or


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