Lady Blackhawks Season Opens at Tournament

The Seeley-Swan Lady Blackhawks volleyball season got underway in Drummond, Aug. 27. The modified tournament featured short matches.

The Lady Blackhawks took on five teams. In morning pool play, they beat Twin Bridges and Sheridan outright while they split with Drummond and Charlo. They won the split by points against Charlo but lost to Drummond.

The Ladies headed into the afternoon seeded second in their pool but fell to Granite in their final match. Valley Christian topped Charlo for the championship.

"It was a good way to get our toes wet and see some of what we will be facing this season," said Lady Blackhawks Head Coach Tammy Lewis.

Lewis is feeling pretty positive about the upcoming season. She said the team made a good showing even though they were short two seniors.

The Lady Blackhawks have 19 players out for the season and are planning some c-squad games so everyone should see some playing time.

This week, the Lady Blackhawks take on Charlo at home Sept. 1 at 5:30 p.m.


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