Who Will Pay for the Sewer?

SEELEY LAKE - I’ve read the public notice regarding the proposed levy for the Seeley Lake Sewer District. It is as incomprehensible as most public notices but since it affects me directly – and quite harshly – I tried to puzzle my way through it.

It appears to me to be unfair and misdirected taxation. In particular, it talks about an assessment but I don’t think it says who will pay it: just Phase One? Seeley Lake? Does it include the Double Arrow??? It is safe to assume that many that live outside of the district will benefit from the district therefore is it reasonable to believe all should have a part in it?

As our taxes certainly benefit Missoula, then is Missoula going to be given the opportunity to help out?

I live in Phase One and can safely assume that not all on my lane can pay a high monthly sewage bill. That said, it’s back to the question of who will pay?

If one cannot afford something then it can’t be purchased. Can it? These wouldn’t be “easy monthly payments.” It would be demands that can’t be met. Then what?

Does Seeley Lake, Montana need to control the sewage generated? Of course it does!

However, Don Larson has raised many good points in the Pathfinder that have gone unaddressed and the Sewer District continues to push forward even though it does not appear to address the real problem – the houses and businesses surrounding the lake.

Folks, the upcoming meeting Aug. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Seeley Lake Community Hall is an opportunity to be heard and to have the “tax” for paying administrative costs of the District eliminated. Regardless of your personal stand on this issue, attendance is important at this and other meetings affecting the community.

I would hope that all those giving their time on the Sewer District have only the best intentions for Seeley Lake, Montana. Certainly they have devoted many hours to developing a viable plan. Out of all the problems and discussion points there seems to be only a few flaws to the proposal primarily – who can pay for it?


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