Lori Thomas count
Seeley Lake Trailblazer Amanda Thomas's sheep swept the breeding category at the 2016 Western Montana Country Fair this past week. She received the Grand Champion title for her Cross Breeding Ram, Cross Breeding Ewe and lambs at side and for overall breeding sheep. She also took third place overall with her market lamb and in sheep showmanship. Pictured (L-R): James Webb with Thomas's Ram, Judge Marty Rupp, Amanda Thomas with her ewe and Kyla Nelson and Gabby Sexton with Thomas's lambs.
Lori Thomas count
Potomac Valley 4-H member Kyla Nelson with her Grand Champion Suffolk breeding ewe. She also received best of breed in the Open Class for Breeding Ewe.
Andi Bourne, Pathfinder count
Seeley Lake Trailblazers working in the 4H Cafe. Each club takes a turn working. All proceeds go towards the club after their shift.
Sigrid Olson, Pathfinder count
Trailblazer Bethany Hoag received a purple ribbon and the Judge's Choice Award for the Most Improved Quilter for her Intermediate Quilting Project
Sigrid Olson, Pathfinder count
Potomac Valley 4-H member Marcus Raines received a Champion Layer Award for his Polish Layer Hen entry.
Sigrid Olson, Pathfinder count
Potomac Valley 4-H member Owen Raines received Champion Waterfowl for his Muscovy Duck entry.
Andi Bourne, Pathfinder count
Trailblazer Gabby Sexton showing her Market Steer Orion. She received Reserve Champion in Beef Showmanship.
Lori Thomas count
Seeley Lake Trailblazers James Webb with his 309 pound market hog named Dotz. Webb placed in the top 10 in Hog Showmanship.
Andi Bourne, Pathfinder count
Potomac Valley 4-H member Bridger Hall showing his market steer. Hall placed second in his class.
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