A Pace I Long to Keep

Cowgirl Ramblings

These past few summer months have been nothing short of crazy and chaotic between work and home life. Some of you may know that I work for an electric and telecom company here on the hi-line of Montana, but what you don't know is I am a credit representative. That means I get the pleasure of disconnecting services for non-payment and am somehow the late bill and payment negotiator.

Let me just say right off, I am fairly sure this must be karma biting me square in both butt cheeks because I have had my way a time or three with a Dish Network or Verizon wireless customer service rep in the past. Truly, what goes around comes around. But at the end of the day, I usually go home feeling like I've been hit by a freight train driven by a 16-year-old that was just given the keys for the first time.

On my drive home nightly, I ask myself why? What lessons am I learning? How can I be a better person? And as I am beating myself over the head with all these thoughts and "lessons" I am learning in my job, my mind drifts to a simpler time. A time when I didn't have to think about much except what to make for dinner... A time I could watch my life unfold between my horse's ears down a mountain trail at a pace I now find myself longing for...A pace I long to keep.

Between these ears my life unfolds at a pace I long to keep.

Every breath, every thought just makes more sense here.

My heart and mind are put at ease.

No phones are ringing, no device needs response.

No man is whining about his selfish needs.

All the while the trail unfolds between my horse's ears

At a pace I long to keep.

The hustle and bustle of life's worries & strife

Become a distant sound muffled by my horse's feet

As ol' Roany clips over God's landscapes

And I watch my life unfold at a pace I long to keep.

Between these ears I see vistas grand and Big Sky true.

From towering mountain peaks to sagebrush coulee breaks

I think what more could this girl need?

As my horse travels freely along at a pace I long to keep.

You can keep your city life, your heels, dresses and fine wines.

As for me, I will don boots and jeans, while the wind teases my hair

And Roany and I will slow lope across the miles while life unfolds

At the only pace I long to keep.

In closing, be nice to the person on the other end of the phone; she's just trying to do her job. Your life is a one-time offer. Use it well. Love often, share a smile, be kind to one another, lend a hand. Remember what really is important to you in this life and remember who you want to be. Ride high and stay grounded.

Happy Trails,



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