Heaven is Just Over the Hill

SEELEY LAKE - Try this. Look at your legs and kindly ask them, “please take me over the hill into the Bob.” Immediately, upon making that request, I predict your brain will send a barrage of messages including: “Are you kidding? We can drive where we need to go. Stupid idea.” And more.

But, if your inner self is strong enough to override your brain’s preference for comfort and convenience, then you have an opportunity. You have an opportunity to reduce negative stress, experience personal growth and enjoy increased vigor.

Once your legs take you over the hill into the Bob, you’ll be immersed in a world where everything is connected and the life force is strong. You’ll be in a world where bears depend on berries and berries depend on insects. Your eyes will see flowers, peaks and streams that will free your brain from human caused stress. You’ll be a welcomed visitor in a world dominated by the forces of creation rather than asphalt.

When you return to the human dominated world, your legs will actually be stronger. Your mind might even send a small note of appreciation. Your inner self, your core confidence will be brighter and stronger. You’ll enjoy a sense of vigor and optimism you didn’t think possible.

Give it a try. Heaven is just over the hill.


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