
For those of us fortunate enough to live in this gorgeous country, our hearts have been thrilled with this fantastic spring as the lakes thawed, the grasses turned green and the larch and aspen started to leaf out again. As I looked about I saw the miracle of life exploding upon us and I started to ponder once again what life really is. Although science can define the attributes of living things, scientifically life itself remains an unknown. Yet we all realize what things are alive and those that are not.

In all of the commotion that life produces, do we often stop and give thanks for life itself, or all that is about us?

The Savior showed this by His example as he prepared to feed the four thousand. “He took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and broke them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.” (Matthew 15:36) He gave this as an example to us, to show that we ought to always give thanks and gratitude for the very food we eat that sustains us in this life.

But look around. Are there not a myriad of things for which we should be grateful? I had a very renowned friend of mine confess to me that each day he tried to think of at least one new thing for which to give thanks as he prayed that evening. Then he said he had been doing this for over three years and doesn’t think he has repeated himself yet!

Not only our health and strength, but our talents and abilities, our friends and families, and all that we see around us should be added to our list of things for which we are grateful. We also should be grateful for the unseen things, such as the beating of our heart, the breathing of our lungs, our ability to see and hear. Yes, even for the challenges and trials, no matter how difficult and tough things may be, we should be grateful for the growth we experience as we work through these things.

Gratitude has been defined as a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for blessings or benefits we have received.

Perhaps the gift for which we should be most eternally grateful is the gift that was given by Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. He was willing to subject himself to His Father’s will and suffer incomprehensibly in Gethsemane, to be followed by the torturous suffering He experienced as he was scourged and crucified. He performed this atoning sacrifice for us and it was essential for Him to take upon Himself all of our infirmities, sicknesses, troubles, anxieties and sins. While incomprehensible, yet it did happen to provide a way for us to return spotless to our Father and Heaven and to our Savior in their kingdom, being cleansed by Christ’s blood.

The attitude of gratitude will go a long way toward making our lives happier and more meaningful. Daily effort will be rewarded. Continual thanks for all that we have been given should be a part of our daily prayers to show our gratitude to Him who gave us all.


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