Swan Valley Community Council Member ~ Two, Three-year Terms ~

May 3 Elections

Lacey McNutt - Swan Council

I have lived in the Swan Valley for nearly 10 years. I grew up in Helena and am a fifth generation Montanan. I first came here to work for an outfitter in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. It was there that I met my husband, Todd. We have one son and we all live, work and play here.

I am a licensed real estate professional here in the valley, a volunteer with the Swan Valley Emergency Services and have served the past two years as vice president of the Swan Valley PTA.

I am running for a seat on the Council because it’s another way to serve my community and because this is where we’ve made our home, it’s important to me.  There are many issues facing the Council and the community. One of the largest I feel, is the need for more jobs. This valley is filled with hard-working, talented men and women and in order for them to stay here and continue supporting this community, they need to be able to work here.

I love this valley, the beauty of its scenery, the wildlife and recreational opportunities, but mostly the people. This is a wonderful community and I’m proud to be a part of it.


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