Larry Dunham - Good, Local Choice for HD 92

There are lots of great reasons to live in the Swan Valley but occasionally we find some issues that make it difficult to connect to the “outside” world, especially when it comes to political decisions that have large impact’s on our life style, often dictated by people that live several miles from the Swan. With only around 500 voters, we do not have the political clout to stand up for our rights as citizens and voters in our area.

This election gives us some hope as we have a local citizen that has filed for House District 92 and will give us a local sounding board to consult with on issues we feel are important.

Larry Dunham has served on many boards and committee’s in the valley and is willing to “do the digging” for us and the rest of the voters in HD 92. His common sense logic, humble and confident approach, makes Larry a great person for the job!

Please consider Larry Dunham, Representative for HD 92, as he will earn your trust and respect your vote.


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