Missoula Consolidated Planning Board Recommends Commissioners Adopt Growth Policy

MISSOULA - At their public hearing March 1, the Missoula Consolidated Planning Board took testimony and considered the February 2016 Draft Missoula County Growth Policy. The Planning Board unanimously recommended the Missoula County Board of County Commissioners adopt the 2016 Missoula County Growth Policy with limited changes to the February 2016 draft. They also expressed interest in seeing the update to the land use designation map move forward as described in the Land Use Strategy at the end of Chapter 2 and to receive reports regarding progress on the Land Use Strategy and an annual report on the progress on the Action Plan in Chapter 2. Planning Board’s changes can be generally described as follows:

• Incorporating minor changes made by two agencies

• Including the summaries from the three rounds of public involvement as an appendix

• Improving a few performance indicators

• Changing or including a few actions/objectives addressing: climate change, conservation of agricultural and timberlands, alternative energy and improvements to the development review process.

In preparation for a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners in April 2016, the Missoula County Community and Planning Services (CAPS) requests comments on the February 2016 Draft Growth Policy and the Planning Board’s recommended changes. In an effort to evaluate and incorporate public and agency comments and prepare a final packet for the Commissioners to consider at their public hearing in April, CAPS requests comments by March 18. Comments can be emailed to Missoula County Community and Planning Services (CAPS) at caps@missoulacounty.us or mailed to CAPS, 200 W Broadway, Missoula, MT 59802. (Note: All comments previously received from the first public hearing draft issued on Nov. 13, 2015 to present, will be provided to the County Commissioners in addition to any new comments.)

For questions, contact CAPS at caps@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-4657. A complete report of the Planning Board’s action and their recommendations, the February 2016 Draft Growth Policy and other project information can be found on the project website at http://www.mcgrowthpolicy.us.


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