POTOMAC - Potomac resident Pam Town mushes her trio of dogs for fun and recreation. She explores winter trails in Seeley Lake, Ovando and Potomac by dogsled with Rex, Balto and Comet.
Town started seven years ago working with her first team of Alaskan Malamutes.
She worked with them for four years before dog Luna died from bone cancer. Luna had run with his brother Sitka, who refused to mush after Luna's death.
Seeking another avenue, Town switched to skijoring with Rex, her long-haired German Shepherd. Rex pulled her on cross-country skis for three years prior to becoming part of her current team.
Town always knew she wanted to mush with dogs that she trained. She read books on training sled dogs and met with the Montana Mountain Mushers.
"They have all been very helpful in providing encouragement and training ideas," said Town.
Town chose Malamutes for her latest team. "I like the Alaskan Malamutes for many reasons including their willingness to pull, their size, strength and courage," said Town. She said they are also fairly quiet pets and have a laid-back attitude. "I chose a breed that best met my family's and my lifestyle."
This winter was Town's first season mushing with her trio. Brothers Balto and Comet pull the sled with a fan-like gangline while Rex runs ahead as a guide.
"He is a good lead dog and keeps the others moving forward," Town said.
"When l'm mushing, I often find myself with the biggest smile on my face," said Town. "Even if it is below zero l am having so much fun."
It only takes two Malamutes to pull Town's sled and they will wait patiently for her if her sled crashes.
Town has a financial commitment to make sure the dogs are healthy with proper feeding and preventing and dealing with injuries. She often uses dog booties as a preventative for snowballs that collect between Rex's toes and in case of minor foot problems such as split nails or cuts. The dogs also need constant exercise to stay in shape and are required to be well-trained so time is also a factor.
"Personal commitment is huge," Town said. In order to work well together as a team, the dogs and musher must trust and respect each other. She achieves this respect from spending quality time together with her dogs.
Town enjoys winter. "I love winter, being outside, being active and dogs," she said. "For me, dog sledding is the perfect combination."
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