Skiesta Held Despite Rain

SEELEY LAKE - Despite a morning rain and unseasonably warm temperatures, SLE Outside hosted the fourth annual Skiesta at the Seeley Lake Nordic trails Feb. 13. This year 36 racers from Seeley Lake, Missoula and Butte youth ski clubs participated in the 1 kilometer (K), 3K, 5K and 10K races.

First, second and third places were awarded for four different age groups split by boys and girls. Very few racers did not receive a ribbon for their efforts and a few lucky ones received a door prize for participating.

Of the seven racers who tackled the 10K race, all five girls from Missoula's Zootown Area Nordic Youth (ZANY) team crossed the finish line at the same time, 41:55. Will Batchelder from the Seeley Lake Nordic Club (SLNC) battled it out with ZANY's Aidan Duffield who finished a little more than three minutes ahead of Batchelder with a time of 37:58.

The 5K had 12 racers, six girls and six boys. Nine-year-old Hanna Kluck of Butte was the first to cross the finish for the girls with a time of 21:14. SLNC's Klayton Kovatch come in first for the boys with a time of 20:04 with his teammates Dakota Wood and Caleb Maughan close behind with times of 20:24 and 20:46 respectively.

There were also 12 racers for the 3K event. ZANY's Isabel Murro was the first in for the girls with a time of 16:34. SLNC's Cullen Bertsch finished first with a time of 12:16. He and his teammates Johnnie Stout and Eric Lorentz all finished under 13 minutes with their closest competitor more than three minutes behind.

The 1K event drew five participants. Hattie Batchelder was the only girl in the event and finished in 7:07. ZANY's Wilson Derry finished first for the boys with a time of 6:36.


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