Lady Blackhawks Dominate the Court

The Seeley-Swan Lady Blackhawks crushed two more District 13-C teams last week. The Ladies head into the second half of the season undefeated after solidly defeating Darby and Victor, extending their overall record to 10-0.

Versus Darby

The Lady Blackhawks took on the Darby Tigers at home in Seeley Lake Jan. 15. The Ladies made quick work of the Tigers putting up more points on the board in the first quarter than the Tigers would in the whole game. Final score was 63-17.

Paige Holmes sank 3 three-point-shots in the fourth quarter as she led the Ladies with 17 points. Delaney Holzworth followed close behind with 16 points in the game off 8 two-pointers.

Also scoring: Stevi Meade 6; Mary Strumpfer 6; Tessa Grimes 6; Marisol Caro 6; Eliana Robinett 2; Alex Bohlman 2; Stephanie Robbins 1 and Cera Strumpfer 1.

Versus Victor

The Lady Blackhawks took the fight to the Victor Pirates Jan. 16. The Lady Blackhawks dominated the court holding the Pirates to just one free throw, one two-pointer and one three-pointer for the 52-6 victory.

Paige Holmes led the Lady Blackhawks with 19 points while Stevi Meade hit four for four from the free throw line.

Also scoring: Eliana Robinett 7; Alex Bohlman 6; Stephanie Robbins 6; Meade 4; Marisol Caro 3; Mary Strumpfer 3; Delaney Holzworth 2 and Cera Strumpfer 2.

This Week at SSHS

The Blackhawks and Lady Blackhawks take on Valley Christian at home Jan. 21 with games starting at 2:30 p.m. They then head to Drummond Jan. 22 with games starting at 2:30 p.m.


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