Carrie Sokoloski Joins Council; Elections in May

SEELEY LAKE - Carrie Sokoloski was appointed to the Seeley Lake Community Council (SLCC) in December, filling the vacancy created by Cathy Kahnle's move to Flathead County.

Sokoloski moved to Seeley Lake from Glendive, where she served on the City Council. She holds an M.S. in Public Relations and a B.A. in Organizational Communication from Montana State University, Billings. Sokoloski is a licensed property manager and operates a property management business with her husband, Ryan Sokoloski. He is a Park Manager for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, managing Salmon Lake, Placid Lake and Beavertail Hill State Parks as well as the snowmobile trail grooming program in Seeley Lake. He also helps coach the Seeley-Swan High School (SSHS) Blackhawks football team.

Carrie Sokoloski's two sons Jasen and Hunter attend SSHS. She is the current president of the SSHS Booster Club.

Sokoloski greeted her appointment with enthusiasm and said, "I am very excited to be joining the council. I will work hard to reflect the needs of our community to the County Commissioners. And I will do my best to come up with creative approaches to local issues and ideas to take advantage of Seeley Lake's opportunities. Seeley Lake is a wonderful place and I am determined to do my share to help keep it that way."

Sokoloski can be reached at Her term ends in May 2017.

Three council terms are expiring in May this year: Jack Greenwood's, Klaus von Stutterheim's and Duane Schlabach's. The first two will be filled by mail-in election on May 3, the latter via appointment by the County Commissioners. All are eligible for re-election.

Anyone interested in running for the Community Council needs to file by Feb. 8 or contact the County Commissioner's office for the appointed slot. Nomination forms can be obtained from Duane Schlabach, Council Secretary, at or from the County website at

For further information please contact Chris Stout, SLCC Chair, at 406-306-5880 or or Klaus von Stutterheim, Treasurer, at 406‑677-3132 or


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