Cell Towers, Medicaid, Traffic at Next Council Meeting

SEELEY LAKE - Cell Towers and Medicaid will be the main topics at the next Seeley Lake Community Council (SLCC) meeting, Jan. 11.

Two new cell towers have been proposed for Seeley Lake, on Redwood Lane in downtown Seeley and at Salmon Lake.

J.R. Reger, who wants to build the tower on Redwood Lane, laid out his plans at the SLCC meeting last November. The engineering firm working on the Salmon Lake tower has declined an invitation to the SLCC January meeting, saying they are waiting for Missoula County to process their application.

Jamie Erbacher, planner with Missoula County Planning Services, will explain the permitting process for both towers.

Medicaid expansion will be the other main topic. Starting in January, 70,000 lower-income Montanans ($16,200 for a single person and $27,700 for a family of three) will be able to obtain affordable medical coverage. This presents a two-fold challenge: making sure that those who need it become aware of their new option and helping applicants through the on-line registration process.

Kim Mansch, Director of Partnership Health, which runs the Seeley-Swan Medical Center, will explain the program. She is looking for ideas from the community on how to publicize this new health plan to Seeley Lake residents.

Larry Casper and Anne Beach will talk about launching an Inventor and Entrepreneurs group in Seeley Lake. The purpose is to share ideas and make connections with other entrepreneurs on topics like marketing, financing and business planning.

There will be an update on the Traffic Project. In October, the SLCC submitted the results of its two-year traffic study, which recommends changes in speed limits and additional traffic crossings in Seeley Lake. The study received enthusiastic support from the County Commissioners. The next step will be to shepherd the project through the Montana Department of Transportation.

Like always, there will be an opportunity for public comments on non-agenda items.

The informal part of the meeting will start at 5:30 next Monday, Jan. 11 at the Seeley Lake Historical Museum and Visitors Center, with pizza and sodas.

For further information please contact Chris Stout, Chair, at 406-306-5880 or cstout@seeleylakecommunitycouncil.com or Klaus von Stutterheim, Treasurer, at 406‑677-3132 or kvonstutterheim@seeleylakecommunitycouncil.com.


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