MCPS Experienced Unintentional Data Breach

MISSOULA - Friday, Dec. 4 a word document containing personally identifiable and confidential information about Hellgate students and one Hellgate staff member was released via email to a group of parents connected with the Hellgate High School football team.

This release of data was unintentional and the causes of the release are still under investigation. The computers connected to this data release have been collected and Missoula Country Public Schools (MCPS) has initiated a forensic investigation. Parents who received this message in error were contacted Friday night and Saturday, Dec. 5 with the request to delete the message and attachment immediately without opening the content.

MCPS responded quickly to notify parents of the improper release of student information and to initiate an investigation.

“We deeply apologize for any inconvenience or concerns this incident may cause for our students and families,” said Superintendent Mark Thane. “While this was an unintentional release of information, we understand that the district is ultimately responsible to safeguard student information.”

All Hellgate High School parents concerned about the release of information pertaining to their student(s) should contact the Superintendent’s office at 728-2400 or via email at


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