Loving Hearts Toy Sale Brings Christmas Cheer

SEELEY LAKE – Loving Hearts hosted its annual toy sale Nov. 30 at Mission Bible Fellowship. Loving Hearts saves lightly used and new toys, gifts and Christmas decorations throughout the year and sets aside funds to purchase new items specifically for the sale. Like years past, the highest priced items went for five dollars with the least expensive items costing only a quarter.

Seeley Lake residents Mary Newpower and Amanda Fowler co-organized the event this year for the first time. While they both enjoyed learning from those who have been a part of the event for years, they are excited to bring new ideas to the sale next year.

Newpower has worked with youth groups for several years prior to moving to Seeley Lake and worked as a manager for Walmart.

"I have the ability to reach out for more donations in a larger form," said Newpower. "If we can get more donations, we can service the community even better."

Some of the ideas for next year include providing a book and stocking with every purchase. Newpower feels that it is important to encourage reading in the community and this would be one way to do that. The stockings would be a fun addition to make someone's Christmas a little more special.

Fowler is looking forward to getting more involved in the shopping and organization of the event. She learned a lot this year about how it was run and looks forward to adding new ideas.

"I've really enjoyed all the ladies," said Newpower who has only been in the area for a couple of years. "They have really made me feel like I belong."

While the sale is geared towards families and individuals who may not have the means to purchase gifts at regular retail prices, it is open to everyone. By supporting the Toy Sale, customers are supporting Loving Hearts ministry that has returned more than $120,000 in benevolences back to the community since its inception in 1989.


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