Anticipation (Series)

Series: Junior Journal | Story 5

I. Last Day

No assignments,

nothing to do,

but sit and watch

the hours tick by.

The energy is almost tangible.

Every nerve firing

off simultaneously.

Everybody day-dreaming

about long summer nights.

Thoughts of school

Far from consciousness.

II. The Reality of Summer

School gets out and

you dream of parties

and relaxation.

Then, two weeks go by

and reality hits;

chores, work, and sunlight

until 9:30.

No time for more than

two or three parties

and no time to relax.

That's when you wish

it was the last day again,

when the day-dreams were real.

Before reality hit.

III. Graduation

Wake up to the songs

of the morning.

Feel the butterflies;

today's the day.

Hear your name called,

this is it.

The beginning of

the rest of your life;

and it begins in a cap and gown.

Today, graduation.

Tomorrow? Who knows?

IV. College

Late nights of cramming for exams.

Of partying with the co-eds

and waking up hungover.

Days in lecture halls, full to the brim.

Stuck listening to the professor

drone on about nothing.

Weekends of sorting groceries

and collecting tips.

Dinners of Top Ramen

and warm soda.

V. The Dorms

Slamming doors and blaring music.

Shouts, yells, and all manner

of human-like noises.

(or not so human)

Dimly lit halls and small rooms.

Mini fridges and T.V. dinners.

shared bathrooms and racy

jokes of various body parts.

Your own kind of family, no matter

how irritating they can be.


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