Swan Valley Community Council
SWAN VALLEY - Newly elected Missoula County Commissioner Stacy Rye spoke at the Nov. 17 meeting of the Swan Valley Community Council (SVCC). She told those in attendance that the commissioners supported the citizens concerned about the danger to buses and drivers pulling in and out of the Swan Valley School (SVE) on Highway 83. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) responded to Swan Valley citizens’ letters about the SVE safety issue in a letter sent to SVCC member Marcia Tapp.
The MDT letter indicated that the no passing zone would be extended farther to the north. This will eliminate the small passing zone where motorists speed up before they reach the no passing zone.
Rye, said the lines will be painted in the spring. The MDT will conduct a speed study to determine if a flashing light is necessary. If approved, MDT can reduce the speed limit to 55 miles per hour (mph), down from 70 mph, during school hours.
Rye said Missoula County Sheriff Sergeant Bob Parcell was contacted by the commissioners and asked to focus more law enforcement presence in the Swan. Parcell is bringing a portable flashing speed feedback sign that should be visible near the school this week Rye said.
In other business, Chairman Ken Donovan reported that recently he met with Flathead National Forest (FNP) campground concessionaire Vickie Barta and FNP Forest Recreation Program Manager Becky Smith-Powell to discuss the Holland Lake Day Use Area permit program. Both Barta and Smith-Powell were pleased with the permit system. Donovan, who is also a member of the Swan Valley Community Foundation, said the Foundation received enough donations to continue the program for the summer of 2016. The program provides season passes to Swan Valley residents at no charge.
Missoula County Community and Planning Services (CAPS) Planner Mitch Doherty also attended. He said that CAPS is continuing with the Growth Policy update. On the CAPS website are links to the first draft which is broken down into chapters. Doherty said that the whole document can be downloaded at http://www.mcgrowthpolicy.us. A public hearing in front of the Missoula County Planning Board is planned for Dec. 1. Comments received prior to Dec. 1 will be forwarded on to the planning board. Comments can be made online after Dec. 8.
Call Doherty at 406-258-3707 for help navigating the new Missoula County website. Doherty thanked the council for being prompt sending their meetings’ minutes to be included on the website. For more information visit: http://www.missoulacounty.us/directory/community-and-planning-services
Diann Ericson was approved to become the Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee Co-Chair. She replaced John Keller who resigned.
The next SVCC meeting will be held at the Swan Valley Community Hall Dec. 15 at 7 p.m.
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