Outdoor Equipment Cooperative Opens Doors

SEELEY LAKE - The SLE Outside Co-op, Seeley Lake's new outdoor equipment cooperative, officially opened its doors Saturday, Nov. 14. While the Co-op is still adding to its inventory, the hope is that it will be fully stocked in the next couple of weeks. Customers purchased merchandise, rented equipment and signed up for the few remaining Lifetime Founding Membership spots.

"We are excited to be up and running," said Chris Stout, Seeley Lake Elementary (SLE) Superintendent and one of the main instigators of the Co-op. "Anytime you have an idea, it is exciting to see something happening."

Seeley Lake resident Cyd Kats was the first official customer for the morning. Along with her purchases, including a membership, she was given an SLE Outside canvas bag.

"I'm very impressed. I think it is a really innovative idea," said Kats. "It's a local store and I like to shop local. It's also teaching great life skills."

While Stout currently oversees most of the operations, he is training high school students in all aspects of the store. Stout said that it has been a huge learning experience for them as they realize all the things that need to be done while running a store.

"Instead of getting frustrated with them, it helps me realize that this is why we want to do this," said Stout.

Sixth through eighth grade students from SLE will be released to come and work in the store in the afternoons on Friday under the mentorship of the high school students. A future goal is to hire someone from the community to manage the store, students and volunteers.

Senior Angus Batchelder thought the day was starting off great with a lot of people stopping in to check out the store. He said he's enjoyed working with the different companies and getting the products they want and then selling things to people.

Junior Shane Lindemer, who already has a lot of retail experience, feels the experience of working in the store is valuable. He enjoys working with different customers and seeing how everything works.

Sophomore Gabby Sexton said she learned how to do inventory for the first time and really enjoyed it. "It's always a fun, upbeat place to be," said Sexton. "People are upbeat and having a good time."

The SLE Outside Co-op is now open Thursday-Sunday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Founding Memberships are limited to 200 spots and receive 15 percent off in-stock merchandise, receive free rentals on a first come, first serve basis and can participate in a variety of member-only sales, events and volunteer opportunities. For more information visit http://www.sleonline.org and click on SLE Outside or visit their Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/SLE-Outside-1166303683383232/?fref=ts


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