MEC Launches Solar Array

LOLO - Missoula Electric Cooperative (MEC) recently launched the Missoula Electric Community Solar (MEC Solar) array. The array includes 176 American-made panels with a total output capacity of 50 kilowatts of electricity. Electricity generated by the array will be fed directly into MEC's grid via the Lolo Substation adjacent to the site of the solar installation. MEC members will be able to add solar generation to their current energy mix by purchasing the output of one or more panels in the array for the next 25 years.

Community solar is currently one of the fastest growing segments within the solar industry. MEC started working on their new array this past spring in response to increased demand from their members for renewable energy in their overall energy portfolio. MEC General Manager Mark Hayden said it is also a "tremendous opportunity to learn how solar impacts the system on a small scale." They can then pass what they learn onto their members.

The total cost of the project was about $200,000. By leveraging partner funding from both the United States Department of Agriculture's Renewable Energy for America Program as well as from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, MEC is able to offer the opportunity for members to purchase the power output from a panel for the next 25 years for a one-time payment of $700.

Members can purchase the output of multiple solar panels up to 80 percent of their average energy usage over the past 12 months. The installer estimates each panel will produce an average of 339 kilowatt hour (kWh) annually for the 25-year term.

Hayden said once the output from the 176 panels is purchased, the project is cost neutral for MEC. The money from members combined with the partner funding covers the cost of the panels, built-in estimated maintenance and replacement costs. The array will provide local, renewable energy to those members who want to participate. Members who do not wish to participate will not pay for the array.

"Part of our mission is serving our members," said Hayden. "This is just part of the service."

MEC Manager of Member Service Dan Rogers said the community solar array is a turnkey approach for the members. Members receive the benefits of solar power without having to install or maintain any equipment at their home and it is already hooked up to the grid. The model also allows participation from renters and those members whose house or property is not well suited for a solar installation.

Credits belong to the participating member. If the member moves to another metered location within MEC's service territory, the credit moves with the member. If a member moves out of the area or no longer needs the credit, the credit can be transferred to anyone with an MEC meter.

"This allows the opportunity to leave a legacy," said Hayden.

The output from the number of panels the member owns will be deducted from the total kilowatt-hours they use each month for the next 25 years. Participating members will be able to see the energy reduction as a result of the solar energy on their bill. Rogers highlighted that since MEC charges 26 cents less per kilowatt for the first 1,000 hours, members that have enough solar output to drop below the 1,000 hours per billing cycle will see a financial benefit.

Because customers are just purchasing the output from the panels and MEC retains ownership of the panels, participants in the project are not eligible for federal energy credits.

"MEC is already 95-98 percent carbon-free," said Hayden. "Solar or any other renewable energy source adds to that. We think [the MEC Solar array] is the perfect fit for our existing portfolio. It's the first time we've ever owned a generating resource."

"MEC has been around for eight decades. This is something new and different that people can get excited about," added Rogers. "You are purchasing 25 years of energy today."

The MEC Solar array should be complete in December. Members are able to purchase shares in the program now. For more information or to get the contract call MEC at 406-541-4433 or 1-800-352-5200 or visit their website at


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